2024 Annual General Meeting Announcement


Steinbach Arts Council Members and Board of Directors

Members of the Steinbach Arts Council Community

Arts Organizations, Artist, Crafters and Musicians

User Groups of Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre

Business Owners, City of Steinbach and RM of Hanover Council

The Steinbach Arts Council Board of directors would like to remind our members and stakeholders of our upcoming Annual General Meeting, on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, from 6:30 – 7:00pm. 

The meeting will be held in the SCU Studio, Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre located at 304 Second Street.

Public is invited to attend.  All SAC members receive one vote.


  1. Welcome and Chairperson’s Report
  2. Executive Director’s Report
  3. Notice of Motion
  1. Motion to amend Bylaw 8.2

Current Bylaw states:

All Officers shall be elected for a one (1) year term.  Officers can serve a maximum of two (2) terms in one position.

Bylaw Revision:

All Officers shall be elected for a one or two (1 or 2) year term.  Officers can serve a maximum of two (2) terms in one position.

  • Finance report
  • Elections
  • Member of the year
  • Closing remarks