
Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. The following privacy policy is intended to outline our commitment to the privacy of individuals associated with our organization and website users. The policy includes; type of information collected, its intended use, communication, and the disclosure of personal information. This policy is found on SAC’s website

Privacy Policy:

SAC collects personal information by fair and lawful means, with the understanding and consent of the individual. Personal information includes name, address (mailing and email), phone numbers(s) and payment information, as applicable.

Prior to or at the time of collection, SAC will identify the intended purpose of the information being collected. 

(Eg. registration for programs, classes, lessons, ticket or membership purchases, notification of important information about programs and events, marketing our services)

The collection and use of personal information will fulfill the purposes specified by SAC or, as lawfully required. 

SAC will protect personal information by using security safeguards against theft or loss, unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, use, access or modification.

SAC does not share or disclose personal information with anyone outside of our organization without permission.

SAC ensures information about our privacy policies and procedures is available, as it relates to an individual’s own information.

SAC will only retain personal information for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes identified above.

SAC is committed to conducting our organization within these standards, to ensure the confidentiality of individuals’ personal information is protected and maintained.

Should you require more detail about our privacy policy or have questions or concerns, please contact our Privacy Officer at or call 204-346-1077.

🍁 The Steinbach Arts Council acknowledges that we are on Treaty 1 territory and that the land on which we live and work is the traditional territory of Anishinaabe, Ininiw, Anishiniw, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

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