Eugene Kabrun to Exhibit at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre

The Steinbach Arts Council is proudly presenting the third visual arts exhibit of the season. To open the new year, this exhibit will feature artwork from Ukrainian artist Eugene Kabrun at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre. The exhibit opens to the public for viewing on Friday, January 19th, 2024, and will close on Friday, February 23rd, 2024. There will be an opening ceremony on Friday, January 19th at 7:00 pm. The exhibit will also be made available for viewing online in our Virtual Gallery at 

The Artist and the Artwork

Born in Kyiv, Ukraine Eugene Kabrun has had an interest in art since childhood, taking art lessons since the age of five and participating in painting lessons at the age of ten, Eugene’s artistic talent quickly grew. Eugene’s artwork has graced exhibitions all over the world, including the United States, Israel, Canada, Russia and more. Known for his special 3D author’s technique, this artist creates captivating mixed media pieces that leave a lasting impression on anyone who sees them. In addition to his innovative style, Eugene also offers portrait commissions of any size, as well as landscape and still-life pieces. With a passion for art that shines through in every brushstroke, this artist is truly one to watch in the local and international art scene.  

Camila Funes-Giesbrecht, Assistant Arts Instructor Coordinator is honored to host Eugene Kabrun at the Steinbach Arts Council Hall Gallery in the new year.

“Each of Eugene’s pieces tells a story, inviting the viewer to engage with the work on a deeper level. The layering of materials and textures creates a sense of depth and complexity, drawing the eye in and inviting the viewer to explore every inch of the canvas. We are honored to exhibit Eugene Kabrun’s work in our gallery!”

Thank You To Our Sponsor

A huge thank-you to our Hall Gallery Sponsor, Good N’ Natural. We could not do this without you! Our sponsors help us provide our community with new and diverse art for the public to enjoy, provide a new platform for local and guest artists to show and sell their works and provide emerging artists with an opportunity to experience and learn how to prepare for, facilitate and exhibit.