Madame Diva & Micah Comes to Steinbach for a Wonderful Frenglish Performance

Prepare to be transported into a world of birch bark canoes, paddles, hairy adventures, and lots of laughter with Madame Diva and Micah the young voyageur! The Steinbach Arts Council invites families and children to Zing-e-Zing! on Friday, January 26th, 2024.   

This performance is geared toward young audiences and fun for the whole family. Enjoy singing along and tapping your feet to the festive melodies of the fiddle, while listening to charming and playful stories of the voyageur era. Join the adventures of Madame Diva and Micah, and meet Perseverance, the tenacious little turtle, all while singing songs from yesteryear.  

Performing Arts Coordinator Tara Schellenberg is excited to bring this family-friendly show to Steinbach.

“This show is a wonderful way to bring our local French and English-speaking communities together. Whether you’re fluent in French or English, Madame Diva’s expert use of ‘Frenglish’ ensures that every member of the audience is included and engaged!” 

Tara Schellenberg, Performing Arts Coordinator

Madame Diva, personified by Jocelyne Baribeau, is a recipient of the prestigious Parents’ Choice Award in the United States. Since creating Madame Diva in 2009, Jocelyne Baribeau has received a number of award nominations including the Western Canadian Music Awards, the Gala des prix Trille Or, as well as the Canadian Folk Music Awards. As Madame Diva, she has travelled across the country entertaining crowds in Whitehorse, at the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal (Quebec), at the Festival Franco-Fun in New Liskeard (Ontario), at the Festival d’été francophone in Vancouver (British Columbia) and at the Winnipeg Folk Festival in her home province (Manitoba).  

Join Madame Diva and Micah for an evening of family fun at the SRSS Theatre (190 McKenzie Ave) on Friday, January 26th 2024 at 6:30 pm.

For Zing-e-Zing! tickets, visit or call 204-346-1077.